Missy Higgins

Dica da Renata Miloni, editora da revista de literatura eletrônica Malagueta, a australiana Missy Higgins é uma jovem cantora e compositora de apenas 25 anos, mas com criações maduras, como no exemplo abaixo da bela "Going North" da qual ficamos apaixonados logo na primeira audição e quem não acredita é só checar no vídeo abaixo.
Going North
I wanna dance the tango with chance
I wanna ride on the wire
Cos nothing gets done with dust in your gun
And nobody respects a liar
So goodbye for a while I'm off to explore
Every boundary and every door
Yeah I'm going north
I wanna know where children would go
If they never learnt to be cool
Cos nothing's achieved when pushed up a sleeve
Till nobody thinks you're a fool
So goodbye for a while I'm out to learn more
About who I really was before
Yeah I'm going north
If they never learnt to be cool
Cos nothing's achieved when pushed up a sleeve
Till nobody thinks you're a fool
So goodbye for a while I'm out to learn more
About who I really was before
Yeah I'm going north
Up where the hunted hide with ease
Under the arms of eye-less trees
Up where the answers fall like leaves
Oh and your love is all I need
Yeah I'm going north
Under the arms of eye-less trees
Up where the answers fall like leaves
Oh and your love is all I need
Yeah I'm going north
P.S.: Só uma correçãozinha: ela completou 25 anos naquele dia que postei o vídeo no meu blog. ;-)
um abraço,
clara lopez
Um ritmo leve, e a letra muito boa.
JU Gioli